1. what did you like best about the show?
I liked that we got to see how the announcer's interact with each other.
2. what did you like the least about the show?
I felt like there were a few reversals that seemed a bit out there.
3. what was the moment of the night?
I think the moment of the night would have to be the first match. It's always pretty exciting.
4. what was your favorite match (besides your own)?
I liked the first guest written match.
5. did you like how your character was portrayed?
I didn't. It really pissed me off lol! But it sets me up for some fun promos.
6. how could i improve portraying your character on the show?
I think Johnson was portrayed well. The dialogue was kept short. The actions might not be my favorite, but it will set me up for something in the near future.
7. any predictions for the future?
I hope Johnson actually gets a match xD